
The Bold and Beautiful Business Network is Sydney’s leading new upscale business group, designed to provide a professional community for cross-industry promotion, business development and thought-leadership, in an atmosphere of fun and giving.

Our B2B events provide a platform for our member brands to regularly connect with each other and create new business development activities at senior management and director level. Attendance is open to Leaders, Senior Executives, Business Owners and Entrepreneurs.

Read more about the benefits and become a member.

Why the Bold and Beautiful?

“It’s about presenting yourself and your business in a sharing positive light, making new contacts and growing your network while at the same time contributing to an extraordinary cause supporting cutting edge science in Australia – stem cell research For A Cure Foundation.”

The Bold
Showcase your best self, both to your personal and business ventures.

The Beautiful
Be willing to explore your business savvy in the cause of philanthropy.

If you’re bold and beautiful we welcome you to participate in a completely new concept in promoting your business and entertaining your clients whilst embracing the culture of philanthropy.

The Event

The Bold and Beautiful event is a classy business affair, an evening to promote business development in a relaxed and informal gathering. More details…

The event will include:

Business to Business Communication

Wine Tasting ∙ Art Shows ∙ Entertainment ∙ Spotlight Exposure

Luxury and more at

Les Clefs D’or